Want to manage better? Manage like a HUMAN.

[Approximately a 4 minute read] If Covid taught the business world one thing, it was that how we lead and manage in the future will separate the good companies from the great. It will also go a long way towards establishing an Employee Value Proposition that does not rely on financial incentives. But first, why do we separate being a Leader from being a Manager – particularly for mid-level managers (often the ‘meat-between-the-bread’)? What is Leading and Managing? Let’s start …

High Performing Teams

Aristotle and High Performing Teams

3 minute read In this article, we highlight the Google research conducted on creating and driving high-performing teams. This was called Project Aristotle – named after Aristotle (BCE 384 – BCE322) the famous Greek philosopher who is attributed (some experts say incorrectly) with the quote… …”the whole is greater than the sum of the parts” attributed to Aristotle Side note, this project was conducted in 2015…but is still very relevant in a post-COVID world. 5 keys to performing teams The …

First aid for performance

Apply First-Aid to your performance issues in 3 easy steps

Chances are that regular readers and clients will have heard me quip at least once that ‘if I could earn a dollar just for kick starting a discussion about performance with employees I’d be a very wealthy man‘! This is perhaps a slight exaggeration but it has its basis in the fact that I’m regularly involved in discussions about an employee ‘just not performing’ or ‘not being part of the team’. For the record, if you own or manage a …

Want people to accept changes at work? These tips can make the difference.

  Leading your team through change at work can be fun… … just as working out how to influence people to deliver positive outcomes for your stakeholders can be energising. Personally, I’ve found that working in environments where people can be their best selves at work, and where managers tap into people’s interest in doing good quality work, is good for the soul. But some conditions can make that work easier or harder… I was recently listening to a podcast …

Change management

Why won’t they do what I ask!

Or how engaging your team in workplace change can help your business thrive – and could save you time and money. About our guest author Clare Mullen of Positively Leading Change has 20+ years’ experience of planning and implementing change and managing stakeholder communications in Australia and the UK. She is passionate about motivating and engaging people in continuous business and organisational improvement. Clare has a Master’s in marketing, is an accredited change management practitioner and is trained in project …

Qbit: motivating a small business team to deliver great customer value

“Staff engagement” is a hot topic and there’s lots written about the positive impact it can have on your business. Studies suggest that high levels of staff engagement are linked to improvements in customer ratings, profitability, productivity, safety and quality amongst other things (source here). Rob met Fabio Suffell of Qbit at a recent event and heard about some of the ways Qbit support and engage their team to deliver excellent service. We persuaded Fabio to share some of the …

Resilience is key to building your business

As a child in Scotland, Clare remembers being taught about how Robert the Bruce was despondent at his efforts to secure Scotland’s freedom. As he considered his future after a recent defeat he watched a spider try again and again to reach across a wooden beam. The spider finally managed it on the seventh attempt and Robert was encouraged to pick himself up and dust himself off to fight another day… We’re learning that starting a business, running a business …