So, you think you give great feedback?

by Rob Sheppard [Approx 4 min read] Feedback. It’s a constant presence in our lives, shaping our actions and influencing our growth. Whether it’s a pat on the back for a job well done, a colleague’s subtle eye roll or a formal annual review you are managing for your team, you’re part of the feedback loop. There is a growing awareness of the impact that interpersonal communication has on relationships in the workplace – and an understanding of the importance …

Unlock more work happiness: tackle Psychosocial Hazards

by Rob Sheppard [Approx 3.5 min read] Does your workplace experience heavy workloads, have unclear roles for its people or little to no communication between managers, teams and individuals? If it does, then we just identified some of the criteria to suggest you have ‘psychosocial hazards’ in the workplace. In this article, we’ll expand on last month’s article [Right to Disconnect Puts the ‘Off’ in Office Hours.] that touched on psychosocial hazards and dive into what they are, how they …