Are you breaching workplace laws without realising it?

Do you know all the workplace laws governing how you pay your employees (overtime, penalties, minimum wages etc) and your pay slip and record-keeping requirements?

The Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) recently released their findings from a campaign targeting these issues amongst Barossa region employers and found that half the employers investigated were breaching these requirements, some without even realising it.

Apart from issuing on-the-spot fines, the FWO also directed the back payment of wages to workers who were affected by the employer’s breaches of these workplace laws.

Given these matters are some of the easiest to plan for and rectify (which means not having to self-report to the FWO by-the-way), it is a good reminder to conduct a review of your obligations under these workplace laws.

FWO expect that

Payslips will include:

  • the employer’s name
  • the employers ABN
  • the employee’s name
  • the date of payment
  • the period that the payment is for
  • the gross and net amount of payment

An employer must keep records on:

  • pay
  • hours of work, including overtime
  • leave
  • termination of employment
  • superannuation contributions
  • individual flexibility arrangements
  • guarantee of annual earnings
  • transfer of business

If you’re still not sure you’re meeting your pay and time/record keeping requirements, help is at hand. RAW Human Resources has created a checklist based on the FWO self-audit that will allow you to conduct a self-audit through our independent resources. Subscribe to our newsletter below to receive a link to the self audit checklist- with the results of any non-compliances sent directly to you only. Alternatively, contact Rob directly or call on 0478 209 508 for a quick telephone chat and to arrange to receive the self audit link.

And don’t stress – from our experience, many of the non-compliances can be very easy to fix for low or no cost… once you know about them that is!

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